Palagonite is a basalt rock dust mined in Australia, prized for its ability to uncompact soils, improve water holding capacity and feed beneficial soil microbes. It is made from a form of volcanic ash called palagonite tuff.
Because of its unique ability to provide cation-exchange capacity, palagonite will also stop nutrients leaching from your soil. Because of this we recommended to use palagonite mixed with a quality compost and then top dressed onto your soil or mixed with your compost pile. This won’t be necessary in soils already rich in organic matter.
Use at 50-150g per square meter.
Silicon 22.30% Aluminium 7.70% Iron 10.10% Manganese 0.23% Magnesium 3.30% Calcium 5.10% Sodium 2.36% Phosphorus 0.24%
Potassium 0.77% Total Carbon 0.03% Total Nitrogen 0.03% Cobalt 60.0 ppm Copper 40.0 ppm Nickel 90.0 ppm ZinC 170 ppm Molybdenum 1.0-3.0 ppm
Selenium 0.3-0.8 ppm Chloride 62 ppm est Sulphur 4.4 ppm Boron 0.06 ppm Paramagnetism 600-1300c/g/s Water holding Capacity >65% pH 8-8.5 CEC 35meq/100g
Other advantages:
- Numerous vital minerals are abundant in it, including as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and a number of trace minerals.
- Palagonite increases soil health and fertility by incorporating necessary nutrients and encouraging the development of advantageous microbes.
- It can be utilized to increase plant output and general health.
- It is commonly used to make nutrient-deficient and worn out soils more fertile.